My Little Happiness (Chinese Drama) in Hindi Dubbed | Dramashindi

My Little Happiness is a popular Chinese drama in India due to its engaging storyline and talented cast. The well-written script has made it a hit among Indian viewers.

If you're looking to watch My Little Happiness in Hindi dubbed, you've come to the right place. Below are the official links to the series in Hindi.

Series Info: 
  • Full Name: My Little Happiness
  • Season: 1
  • Episodes: 28
  • Language: Hindi 
  • Release Year: 2021
  • Size: 300 / 500 MB(each episode)
  • Quality: 480P/720P/1080P

Plot Synopsis:

"My Little Happiness" follows the story of Cong Rong, a young woman who is determined to pursue her dreams despite facing numerous challenges. When she meets the handsome and reserved CEO Wen Shaoqing, their lives take an unexpected turn. As Cong Rong and Shaoqing navigate through misunderstandings, family pressures, and career aspirations, they discover the true meaning of love and happiness. Set against the backdrop of modern-day China, the series explores themes of friendship, perseverance, and finding joy in life's simple pleasures.

Where Can I Watch My Little Happiness in Hindi Dubbed?

Indian viewers can enjoy the heartwarming journey of "My Little Happiness" in Hindi dubbed on Netflix, a leading streaming platform that offers a diverse range of international content. With the Hindi dubbed version now available, subscribers can access all episodes of the series with subtitles, ensuring a seamless viewing experience. Netflix provides a convenient platform for Indian audiences to immerse themselves in the charming romance and relatable storyline of "My Little Happiness."

Is It Worth Watching:

Absolutely! "My Little Happiness" offers a refreshing take on the romantic drama genre, with its focus on realistic characters and everyday struggles. The series is filled with genuine moments of laughter, tears, and heartwarming interactions that resonate with viewers. The chemistry between the lead actors, Xing Fei and Tang Xiaotian, is palpable and endearing, making their on-screen relationship truly captivating.

Furthermore, the Hindi dubbed version of "My Little Happiness" effectively captures the essence and emotion of the original series, making it accessible and engaging for Hindi-speaking audiences. The dialogues are translated seamlessly, preserving the warmth and sincerity of the storyline. Whether you're a fan of romantic dramas or looking for a feel-good series to brighten your day, "My Little Happiness" is sure to leave you with a smile on your face.


In conclusion, "My Little Happiness" in Hindi dubbed version is a delightful series that offers a perfect blend of romance, comedy, and heartwarming moments. With its availability on Netflix, Indian viewers can easily immerse themselves in the charming world of Cong Rong and Wen Shaoqing. Whether you're in the mood for a light-hearted romance or simply looking for a series to lift your spirits, "My Little Happiness" is definitely worth adding to your watchlist. So, grab your snacks, settle in, and get ready to experience the joy and warmth of "My Little Happiness" Hindi dubbed version.

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